Forgive us, Father, for we have Fondued

Greenbean is traveling this week visiting the sprout in our nation’s Capitol. He will be on the lookout for someone he can share his opinions about tax reform, immigration reform, and the most important pressing issue of our time: getting rid of Daylight Savings Time.

His little journey, though, does not keep him from sharing outstanding fiction with you. The Fondue Writer’s Club is at it again, with our Thanksgiving stories 2021. The first one out of the chute is Joe Shaw, or as he is known by millions worldwide, “Florida Man.”

Today’s story is not what you expect. There is a serious edge to it, but also a strong dose of sweetness. The edge we expect from Shaw, as well as a high body count. It is the sweetness that surprises us today, but not syrupy sweet. It is a kind of humanity that is hard to get at in a short story, but Shaw does a masterful job by taking us inside the confessional booth.

Enjoy his story, and we will be back several times between now and Thanksgiving with more stories. Click on the middle, the very middle, and only the middle, the part where the light comes through, of this image to read Joe’s story, “Confession.”

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