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Per my summer tradition, I shaved off my glorious beard after DragonFest 2016 (click here for more info about Dragonfest). I did this in stages–first seeing how it looked with no sideburns, then The Balbo, then a Vandyke, and then a Fu Manchu. Don’t worry friends, I will grow it back. Since time immemorial men have shorn themselves in the summer months. It is healthy and good for the skin to see the sun, and for the man to remember how much he needs the beard to cover his ugly mug. Needless to say, I’m no longer sporting a 4 On the Riker scale (Click here to learn about the Riker scale of beards).File Aug 12, 1 15 48 PM

But back to my issue. The last stage of my “what does this look like” experiment was to just go with a moustache. I wore it all the way home yesterday during our epic journey through the heartland to home.

During the journey, a debate erupted amongst the Greenbeans. Should I keep the ‘stache and preach with it on Sunday or go ahead and take it off?

I decided to let anyone who cares have a voice. Please vote yes or no in the poll below. Don’t forget to click the word “vote” to submit your choice. Check back often to see which side is winning.

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