Reading through this months Texas Monthly (just about the best magazine around) and there is an interview/article with Texas writing legend Larry McMurtry. The piece begins with this mesmerizing description of his writing space.

“McMurtry turned around and shuffled us to the other end of the hallway, to his and Faye’s bedroom. The room held a queen-sized bed, draped in a  white comforter and flanked on either side by bedside tables, on whose surfaces sat vitamin bottles and medications.  There was also a sofa, a small desk with a computer for Faye, and a large wooden table for McMurtry. On the table was a stack of typing paper, some manila folders containing manuscripts, a clock, a bottle of Advil, a box of tissues, and Mcmurtry’s Hermes 3000 typewriter.”

If this description of a writing stud’s creative workshop doesn’t make a person want to write, then nothing will.


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