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Robin Williams, Alien
Robin Williams, Alien

Just learned a few moments ago that Robin Williams died.  I hope and pray his family gets the privacy and peace they need during this difficult time in their lives.  It is appropriate for us to celebrate the aspects of his life that we loved.  So, here are my top five Robin William’s movies.  No, Mork And MIndy are not in there, because that was a TV show.  However, all of us know that is where we first met him, and that is when we realized he was ‘out of this world’ crazy awesome.

The films are listed in no particular order.


1.  Dead Poets Society

When I was a work-a-day pastor I went through many trials and tribulations as a leader.  I always wanted someone to stands up on a pew or chair and say, “O Captain! My Captain!”  Alas, none ever did.

2.  Good Morning, Vietnam

This was a war movie that wasn’t about battles and maneuvers.  It was a war movie about a man, and how he experienced the war.

3.  Aladdin

It wasn’t a live action movie, but is there any doubt that Robin Williams as the Genie is one of the best voice-over roles of all time.  This was one of mine and Kim’s favorite movies when we were first dating.

4.  Hook

This is the second best ever take on Peter Pan.  The best one being 2004’s Finding Neverland.  However, I love the idea of Hook better.  Who better to play a grown up Peter Pan than Robin Williams–who better to help us discover how to recapture a little bit of our childhood.

5.  Patch Adams

As someone who interacted with the medical community in my work, I appreciated deeply the underlying message behind Patch Adams, that we should treat sick people as human beings in need of a human touch, and not as statistics or inanimate objects.


So these are my five faves of Robin Williams films.  I didn’t include Good Will Hunting because, though he figures prominently (It’s not your fault) the story really isn’t his character’s story.  Same goes for August Rush.  Honorable mentions would include The Fisher King and The World According To Garp.  It is appropriate to also note that I forgive him for Popeye, Mrs. Doubtfire, and Toys.

Rest in Peace Robin.  Nanu Nanu.

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